The Race of Gentlemen & Night of the Troglodytes – 2017 Wildwood, NJ


The 2017 Race of Gentlemen brought to life by the Oilers Car Club, enjoyed a tremendous weekend down the Jersey Shore. Friday evening kicked the party off with the Night of the Troglodytes custom chopper show which gave way to Saturday and Sunday bracket style and grudge match racing down the Wildwood shore line. With surf, sun and 1940’s and 50’s motors roaring, TROG #6 was a huge success.

Attendees rolled in and packed the beach on the most beautiful weekend of the year so far.  June 10-11 proved perfect for tearing up sand with a clear sunny sky and Atlantic Ocean backdrop. After less than perfect weather for TROG West, the Oilers Car Club bounced back East with the perfect weekend for some hot rod and vintage motorcycle racing. Racers geared up in era appropriate attire to complement the time from which these amazing machines where born. Spectators were treated to nail biting races, comedic announcers, PBR, and some good old hooligan riding. The Race of Gentlemen fully lived up to its claim as the Greatest Race on Earth once again.

Wildwood, New Jersey is the perfect host for the event with the boardwalk, Ferris wheel and modern day meets classic old school Americana feel. Racers brought anything from vintage Ford and Dodge Hot Rods to Harley-Davidsons, Victory and Indian Motorcycles to the line for some head to head racing. Add in the Customs by the Sea Show, an epic beach bonfire, food, beer and the live band and you have a recipe for an unparalleled weekend of racing fun. Co-conspirators Mel Stultz, Bobby Green and the rest of the TROG leadership had to be smiling on Sunday evening after they orchestrated yet another great TROG event.



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