Visit the Adirondacks on Your Motorcycle


Jay and Virginia Cagney produced a new video for Go Tour NY and Visit Adirondacks, highlighting the beauty of the mountains, the Fall foliage, the sweet breakfast options and of course – the enjoyment you’ll get out of exploring the Adirondacks on a motorcycle.

It’s a five minutes well spent to enjoy the beauty of the incredible Autumn colors, the small town immersion along the way, the incredible views from Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid and the Cagney’s quality bikes.

Virginia makes the case early in the intro for roadtripping on a motorcycle vs. an automobile. There’s simply a different connection. “You’re so much more immersed in it when you’re on a bike,” says Virginia. “The smells are a lot more present, the temperature is a lot more present. You’re taking the curves so that you kind of have to lean into them and be a part of them, rather than just navigating through.”

The video offers a strong case for taking a weekend trip on your motorcycle and even better, roadtripping on your bike through the Adirondacks of New York.

Check out the video and check out more of their work here.


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