Sons of Speed Race a Success at Daytona Bike Week

Sons of Speed Race

All of Billy Lane’s hard work was about to pay off for Daytona Bike Week 2017 as his Sons of Speed vintage motorcycle race finally had its inaugural race day. Over 2 years in the making and just recently postponed from hurricane damage to the track, there was plenty of anticipation to see this race happen at New Smyrna Speedway on Saturday, March 18.

Featuring Motorcycles from the early 1900’s this race was truly a one of a kind event. Most of the motorcycles racing that day hadn’t run in over 70 years up to this race and the majority were older than everyone in attendance. Racers and attendees of the race that day include Willie G. Davidson, custom bike builder Billy Lane of Choppers Inc., Paul Cox of Paul Cox Industries, Shelly Rossmeyer, daughter of the late Bruce Rossmeyer and Rick Petko of Orange County Choppers just to name a few.

New Smyrna Speedway Sons of Speed Race
Riders were excited to hit the track on a beautiful day

The race was held at the New Smyrna Speedway, a 0.48 mile track about 18 miles from Main Street Daytona and one stop light down from Sopotnick’s Cabbage Patch. The weather was perfect and aside from a few mechanical difficulties at the start the race went off without a hitch. With a push from teammates racers took off down the 20 degree banking of the New Smyrna Speedway in groups of two to three racers competing in each race. There was plenty of classic motorcycle racing action and the crowd was on their feet cheering the entire time.

Motorcycle Parking Lot Sons of Speed Race
The ‘show’ outside with tons of bikes in the parking lot was solid as well

Walking out to the parking lot at the end it was almost like coming up on a bike show itself with so many old school choppers and original bikes in attendance for the race. Original panheads and Indians, customs choppers and everything in between. All together it was a great event and I will definitely be waiting for the next race. Check out some of the highlights on and off the track below.





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